Beat the January Blues

Have the January Blues set in for you? We know ours have. This January we want to conquer that depressing feeling that comes around every year and laugh in the face of wet January. So this year we are asking you to not ‘feel blue – but think yellow!’. Yellow symbolises sunshine and holidays, and what better way to beat the blues than to book a holiday! 

With holiday’s in mind here are five general tips to help you to beat the January Blues:

1.    Do exercise

Believe it or not, exercise can make you feel good (honestly). When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain, meaning you feel good after you’ve worked out. So go on, step outside and take a brisk walk for 20 minutes. If you can’t face the wet weather maybe try a local Zumba or aerobics class, dancing to Beyoncé is bound to make anyone cheer up, right?

2.    Smile

Go on try it, it works! Your smile is a powerful tool. Most people think that we smile because we feel happy, but it can go the other way as well: we feel happy because we smile. If you want something to make you smile, visit this link on YouTube. Funny dogs will always make you smile. 

3.    Book a holiday

Throughout grim January, umbrellas are always mandatory and morning frost on your car becomes the norm. It may seem a long way off, but sunshine is on its way and will grace us with its presence soon enough. But if you can’t wait for May, then why not cheer yourself up by booking a holiday for the year. Booking a trip will always psychologically make you feel better and what could be better than having some real sunshine to look forward to? Remember, don’t feel blue – THINK YELLOW. It’s always summer somewhere. #thinkyellownotblue

4.    Make a bucket list

A ‘bucket list’ is a list of goals and ideas you’d like to achieve in your lifetime. It’s a great way to start dreaming and thinking about what would be your ultimate goal! Travel is often a huge part of a person’s list and so it should be. We all have those places in the world we can only dream of visiting. Perhaps it’s a trip on the Orient-Express? Walking up Mount Everest? Seeing Niagara Falls or eating pizza in Sicily? You never know, this might be the year where you able to tick one off the list. 

5.    Reorganise

Reorganising and wiping the slate clean is a great exercise for the mind to clear and reset. Tidying up and reorganising your desk, bedroom or home can be a great way to give you a fresh start and will invigorate the mind. After all, what’s that well known saying? ‘Tidy room, tidy mind!’

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Danni de Nervaux

Marketing Campaign and PR Manager

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